Borja - La Brisa - Wuayra Reserve 600m:
05:15 am Pick up from your hotel in Quito
Andean cock of the rock bird lek (Ecuatorialis type), green (inca) jay, bronzy inca, peruvian racket-tail, green backed hillstar, violet-fronted brilliant, andean motmot, red crested cotinga, chestnut-bellied thrush, golden collared toucanet, tropical parula, yellow-throated chlorospingus, scarlet tanager, flame-crested tanager, blue-capped tanager ...
Lodging in Borja
Quijos 2000m - Antisana 3200m:
06:00 am Pick up from your hotel
Andean cóndor, Variable Hawk, Ecuadorian hilstar, Carunculated Caracara, Aplomado Falcon, Black Winged Ground Dove, Black Faced Ibis, Paramo Ground Tyrant, Andean Siskin ...
Lodging in Antisana
Arrival to Yanacocha Reserve 3100m - Bellavista Reserve 2400m:
05:00 am Pick up from your hotel
Equatorial antpitta, sword-billed hummingbird, great sapphirewing, andean guan, mountain velvetbreast, collared inca, russet-crowned warbler,chestnut capped brushfinch,buff-breasted mountain tanager, turquoise jay, cinnamon flycatcher, strong billed woodpecker ...
Lodging in Nanegalito
Nanegalito Valley 1400m - Mindo 1300m - Mangaloma
05:15 am pick up from your hotel
Plate billed mountain toucan, toucan barbet, masked trogon, barred hawk, yellow breasted antpitta, dark backed wood quail, golden headed quetzal, green fronted lancebill, gorgeted sunangel ...
Lodging in Pedro Vicente Maldonado
Pachijal 1600m- Milpe 1100m
05:45 am pick up from your hotel
06:00 am Early birding looking for guans, laughing falcon, parrots: red billed, blue headed, etc.
07:00 am Six different types of toucans: aracari, barbets, tucanets, choco, chestnut, hooked billed kite, swallow tailed kite, etc.
08:30 am Golden winged-manakin
13:30 pm Birding at Milpe area: club winged manakin (*lek), choco toucan, yellow throated toucan ...
Lodging in Pedro Vicente Maldonado
23 de Junio 1700m - Silanche - Pedro Vicente Maldonado 640m
05:00 am pick up from your hotel
06:45 am Visit the Long wattled umbrella bird lek
10:00 am Arrival to the bird lodge - Breakfast.
11:00 am Arrival to the Silanche lodge - Breakfast.
15:00 pm Depart for birding at a bird sanctuary: linaeted woodpecker, long billed starthroat, violet-bellied hummingbird, black-cheeked woodpecker, scarlet-backed woodpecker, streak-headed woodpecker, choco tyrannulet, dusky faced tanager, shiny cowbird ...
Lodging in Pedro Vicente Maldonado
CHOCO BIRDING at 1800 meters
05:00 am pick up from your hotel
06:15 am Visit to the Andean Cock of the rock lek (sanguinolenta).
08:00 am Optional: depart for birding the club-winged Manakin lek.
09:30 am Mindo Birding morning at a bird lodge - sickle-winged guan, Ecuadorian thrush, slate-throated and spectacled whitestart, red-headed barbet, black-capped tanager.
11:00 am Arrival to a bird place: crimson-rumped toucanet, dusky bush-tanager, metallic-green tanager, toucan barbet, etc.
12:20 pm Birding: Violet tailed sylph, Velvet purple coronet, Brown Inca, purple-bibbed white tip ...
Back to your hotel in Quito
USD: 2,795 for one person “all inclusive”
USD: 1,618 per person for two people “all inclusive”
USD: 1,226 per person for three people “all inclusive”
USD: 1,030 per person for four people “all inclusive”
It does include: bird guide in English with spotting scope, ground transportation, lodging in bird lodges in a private cabin with wi-fi, private bath with hot water (not fancy), all meals, all entrance fees, taxes.
Reservation: 50% as down payment and the remaining in cash and during the tour.
Booking Terms